How to cope with menopause symptoms in the workplace

Written by Sarah Moloney

Coping with menopause symptoms in the workplace can be tricky especially with the knowledge that menopause is not protected by the employment equality act in many countries. However, individual companies may have their own policies in place to support staff through this transition. If you are struggling balancing your career with your symptoms, read on to find out some strategies that might help you!

Learn about menopause: Understanding menopause and associated symptoms is the first step. Using our sensor, the first of its kind in menopause wearable technology, will help you both keep track and make sense of what you are experiencing. Once you know what your symptoms are, there are numerous resources online, check out our Instagram page @identifyher_healthy_longer and our previous blogs for reliable information. Your doctor may have resources that they can share or direct you to.

Talk to Your Supervisor: Consider having an open and honest conversation with your supervisor or HR department about your situation. They may be able to offer workplace accommodations or alternative work arrangements. If your employer allows it, consider requesting flexible work hours or work from home options to help manage your symptoms more effectively.

Dress in Layers: If you are dealing with hot flashes dressing in layers can help you regulate your body temperature more easily. That way, you can remove a layer when you're feeling too warm and add one when you're feeling chilly.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate some menopause symptoms, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can contribute to both dehydration and hot flashes.

Manage Stress: Stress can amplify menopause symptoms. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or yoga. Taking short breaks during the workday to relax and clear your mind can also help. Insight Timer is a free app full of short, guided meditations and breathing techniques to help you through difficult moments.

Healthy Diet and Exercise: Eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate some menopause symptoms. This month on our social media account we will be sharing quick, easy to follow recipes designed with you in mind.

Medication and Supplements: Consult your doctor about the possibility of using medications or supplements to manage specific symptoms. Hormone therapy or other medications may be appropriate in some cases.

Maintain a Comfortable Work Environment: If possible, make your workspace more comfortable. Use a small fan to cool down during hot flashes, adjust lighting to reduce glare, and use a cushion for back support if you experience discomfort. If you have access to a fridge or freezer, cool drinks or ice pops may be useful when you are feeling the heat.

Supportive Colleagues: If you feel comfortable, share your experience with trusted colleagues who may be able to offer support or simply be understanding when you need to take a short break or step away for a moment.

Remember that menopause is a natural part of life, and you shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed about discussing it or seeking support at work. Thankfully, many workplaces are becoming more aware of menopause as a workplace issue and are taking steps to create a more supportive environment for employees going through this transition.


Candid Conversations: Navigating the Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause


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